Car Accident ChiropractorWhen Should You See A Chiropractor After A Car Accident?
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Hundreds of things will race through your mind in the moments following a car accident.

Fear, confusion, and, hopefully, relief are among dozens of emotions that will race through your brain instantly.

So it's no wonder that most people ignore the pain and potential injuries that come with auto accidents if they are even able to feel them at all.

Their minds jump to everything they have to do now, like exchanging information, notifying insurance, speaking to the police, calling a tow truck, and so on.

In the midst of all that, it's extremely easy to overlook any accident injuries.

Some hidden injuries won't be immediately apparent, taking hours or even days to appear, making it even harder to get taken care of after an auto accident. 

That's why it is important to see a healthcare professional after a car accident, no matter how you feel at the moment.

Not obtaining a physical examination by an experienced medical professional after a car accident can jeopardize the recovery process and cost you more money in the long run. 

Accident-related injuries that are undiagnosed can cause you to miss work, experience pain, and keep you from doing the things you love.

The expensive medical procedures could cost you thousands of dollars. 

The skills and abilities of an accident injury chiropractor make them ideal doctors to visit after car accidents.

But when exactly should accident injury victims see a chiropractor after a car accident?


The article below will discuss a few things you should remember after your car accident.

Table of Contents

Your chiropractor will make sure you are okay following a car accident

How Can An Accident Chiropractor Help Me? 

Chiropractors have specialized training in many areas, and post-accident care is one of them.

Chiropractic treatment after a car accident will address injuries as well as aid in stopping chronic pain and speeding up your healing process.

Chiropractic adjustments and spinal manipulation can:

Restore mobility: Soreness and stiffness will develop in the days following your accident, limiting your range of motion and mobility and diminishing your quality of life. Chiropractic care addresses these issues and gets you back on your feet quickly.

Heal common injuries: Your chiropractor will improve your strength and flexibility following your accident. They will also provide pain relief and help to improve your health in the long term.
Relieve pain: Chiropractic care can help with soft tissue injuries and the pain they cause. A spinal adjustment will help these injuries heal naturally and without harmful pain medications. They also heal much faster when you follow your treatment plan. 
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Injuries Happen In Fender Benders Too

Your car getting totaled in an accident is a sure sign that you've most likely suffered a severe injury, but be sure not to discount the potential for injury in a minor car accident. 

Even the most minor accidents can result in soft tissue injuries or injuries to your neck or back.

If an auto accident injury is not treated properly, it can result in chronic issues and long-term pain that could affect you for the rest of your life.

Today's cars are designed to protect occupants during accidents, but they still cannot protect them from all physical injuries. 

Any time your body is jerked in an accident, there is the potential for an auto injury.

Accident victims have sustained whiplash injuries in an accident that barely damaged the vehicle. 

The only way to be sure you haven't suffered a neck injury, like whiplash, is to seek chiropractic care as soon as possible after the accident.

However, your back pain may be caused by things other than trauma. Read our blog post: Can Stomach Problems Cause Lower Back Pain?

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You Don't Need To Be In Pain To Be Injured

Pain is always a sure sign of injury after an accident, but just because pain is absent doesn't mean injury is absent.

It can take some injuries several hours or days to start showing symptoms.

Accident victims should go to the emergency room or an urgent care center if there are obvious injuries; it's important to rule out any internal bleeding or broken bones. 

But, if you feel fine after your accident with no apparent injuries, schedule an appointment with a chiropractic doctor as soon as you can.

Your chiropractor will conduct a physical exam and accurate diagnosis to be sure there aren't any underlying issues. 

Many insurance claims will be denied for chiropractic care if too much time has elapsed before you receive proper treatment. 

If you wait too long to seek medical care, you may also have a harder time getting your visits covered in a personal injury claim.

To ensure that your medical bills are covered, you should schedule your chiropractic appointment as soon as possible after your car accident.

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You should see your chiropractor as soon as possible following your car accident

See A Chiropractor As Soon As Possible

The best thing you can do for your health and accident injury claim is to see an auto injury chiropractor as soon as possible.

Even if - especially if - you don't have any apparent injuries.

Your chiropractor will assess and document your injuries and provide you with a treatment plan to help reduce injury symptoms. 

This is important for you because even if you're not yet experiencing chronic pain, your injuries need to be treated as soon as possible so you can recover quickly without suffering severe pain. 

It's also good for you financially because most insurance companies will only cover medical claims made immediately following an accident, typically up to three days.

If you file a claim for medical bill reimbursement after the time limit, the amount you receive will likely be reduced, or you might not get paid at all.

Insurance companies are in business to make money, so you can assume that if they don't have to pay your claims, they're not going to.

Insurance companies will assume that if you take too long to receive a medical assessment, your crash injuries must not be serious or are not related to the car accident.

This is why it's important to see a chiropractor for treatment for auto accident-related injuries as soon as possible. 

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Contact Car Wreck Doctor

After your car accident, you are going to have to make a lot of phone calls.

One of your first phone calls should be to the Car Wreck Doctor.

Car Wreck Doctor will connect you with your area's best chiropractors and personal injury attorneys.

They will ensure that your health and your finances are taken care of after your accident, making sure the only thing you have to worry about are your medical treatments. 

Waiting too long to receive a proper diagnosis can cost you money and recovery time and could turn a minor injury into long-term damage. 

Please don't ignore minor pain or assume you aren't injured because you feel fine after the accident.

The chiropractors and medical doctors that Car Wreck Doctor pairs you with will assess you after your accident, and if they discover any injuries, they will begin treatment right away.

During your initial visit, you will also be given a referral to an attorney for personal injury protection. 

If you were involved in a car crash, click the link below for a free consultation with one of our skilled chiropractors today. 

Free Chiropractic Consultation

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