Car Accident ChiropractorWhat Happens During Your First Visit To The Chiropractor?
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Anything unfamiliar or unknown can cause fear and anxiety. 

This is usually the case for those seeking chiropractic care for the first time without knowing anything about it. 

A quick Google search will likely return many stories about chiropractic appointments. 

Some stories will be great, others are not so great, and some could be a little indifferent. 

That's why if you've never been, then it can be hard to know what to expect during your initial visit to a chiropractor.

If you're thinking about visiting a chiropractor, educate yourself first by reading the article below about what to expect from your very first visit.

Table of Contents

What to Consider Before Visiting a Chiropractor

Before selecting a chiropractor, some people like to conduct an initial interview with the chiropractor over the phone or in person.

This interview is just discussion and does not include any type of physical exam. 

Things you could ask include questions about the chiropractor's philosophy, expertise, and general approach.

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Everyone gets a consultation during their first visit


Whether or not you get an adjustment on your very first visit will depend on your chiropractor and your condition. 

What you can be sure of, however, is that your chiropractor will give you a consultation either way. 

Your chiropractor will ask you several probing questions like: 

  • When and how did the pain start?
  • Where is the pain felt?
  • Describe the pain—is it sharp, dull, searing/burning, or throbbing? Does it come and go, or is it continual?
  • Did the pain start as a result of an injury?
  • What activities/circumstances make it better or worse?

These probing questions will help your chiropractor determine the severity and cause of your condition.

To prepare for the chiropractic consultation, you may also be asked to fill out forms that provide background information about their symptoms and condition. 

You will also likely be asked to provide information on your family medical history, any pre-existing medical conditions or prior injuries, any pain medications, and any previous and current treatments provided by other doctors.

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A thorough chiropractic exam includes general tests like blood pressure, pulse, respiration, and reflexes. 

Functional tests, along with specific orthopedic and neurological tests may also be used to assess the range of motion of the affected body parts, muscle tone, muscle strength, and neurological integrity.

More chiropractic tests could be used to assess the affected area.

Your chiropractor may have you move in a specific manner, perform a posture analysis, or assess the motion of the affected body part. 

It's helpful if you show up to the chiropractor in gym wear or other loose clothes that you can move around in. You won't be doing any rigorous exercises, but some light exercise therapy may be incorporated into your treatment plan. Wearing loose clothes can help make the entire adjustment process more comfortable. 

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Diagnostic Studies

If it's deemed necessary based on the results of your medical history and chiropractic exam, diagnostic studies may be helpful to reach your treatment goals.

Additional testing can help reveal pathologies and identify structural abnormalities to diagnose a condition more accurately.

X-rays are the most common diagnostic imaging test used during an initial chiropractic exam, but it is not always needed.

If an x-ray is used in the chiropractic setting, it is used to help:

  • Diagnose a recent trauma.
  • Diagnose spondyloarthritis.
  • Study a spinal deformity that might progress, such as scoliosis.

An x-ray is only needed if your chiropractor has a good reason to believe that it will provide the necessary information to put together your treatment program. 

Because of the risks of ionizing radiation exposure that occurs while taking an x-ray, x-ray's should be limited to cases when they are medically necessary.

While an x-ray can help tell doctors about bone issues, it is not very useful for studying the soft tissues or muscle strains.

To study soft tissue damage, such as a problem with a disc, a torn muscle, or nerve compression, an MRI scan is likely to be recommended.

Many chiropractic clinics can perform necessary x-rays, but an MRI scan and more extensive imaging studies are usually referred to an outside center.

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If you do get a spinal adjustment at your first chiropractor visit, you should expect a quick and painless procedure in most instances.

Your chiropractor may push, pull, or twist a section of your body to realign any misalignments along the spine.  You'll most likely be on a padded drop table for the exam, but don't worry, you won't fall off. 

Your adjustment may be accompanied by the infamous popping sound as your joints readjust. 

The pop is nothing to worry about.

It's a completely safe and normal side effect. 

Some people report that their first realignment causes instant relief. 

The instantaneous relief may or may not accompany your first visit, depending on your particular circumstances.

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What Will They Treat?

Many people believe that you should only go to a chiropractor if your back or neck is hurting. 

While these are great reasons to see a chiropractor, they are hardly the only reasons you should see a chiropractor.

Muscle soreness, poor digestion, aching joints, injuries, and headaches are other common reasons to visit chiropractors.

If you're not sure about whether or not to see a chiropractor, the best thing to do is give your chiropractor a call to see whether this form of care can help you.

Don't be surprised when they say they can help.

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The cost of chiropractic care will vary

What Will It Cost Me?

This is a very common question asked by first-time chiropractic patients.

What will it cost?

Like many other forms of healthcare, the price will vary depending on your condition and various other factors.

In general, chiropractic services range from approximately $30 to $200 per session. 

Each type of treatment will have a different cost. 

For example, at places like the Car Wreck Doctor, an initial consultation with a chiropractor may be provided at no charge.

A typical manual manipulation session costs about $65 on average, but it does depend on your insurance plan.

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Visit The Car Wreck Doctor

If you need to see a chiropractor, don't wait any longer.

If you have any questions about chiropractors or chiropractic treatments, the best person to ask is a chiropractor. They'll come up with an effective treatment plan to get you on your way to pain relief. 

The Car Wreck Doctor provides each first-time patient with a free consultation where they will answer all of your questions.

To get your free consultation in the books, click the button below.