
Six Stretches For Sciatic Pain Relief

Six Stretches For Sciatic Pain Relief

It's estimated that up to 40 percent of people will experience sciatica at least once in their life.

So, potentially, there is a good chance that you will have sciatica at some point in your life.

Sciatica is the name given to pain caused by irritation of the sciatic nerve; typically, caused by a compressed nerve in the lower spine.

Most people think sciatic pain is limited to just the back, but that's not the case.

The sciatic nerve is the longest and largest nerve in the human body. It runs from the lower back, through the buttocks, down the legs, and ends just below the kneecap.

The sciatic nerve controls several muscles in the lower legs and supplies sensation to the skin of the foot and the majority of the lower leg. People with sciatica experience lower back pain, leg pain and even balance issues.

It is important to understand and know that sciatica is not a condition − it is a symptom of another problem involving the sciatic nerve that can be spurred on by sudden, abrupt movements.

There are a handful of ways and treatment options to can reduce the sciatic pain you're experiencing in your daily life, but one of the best ways is stretching exercises.

Below is a list of six exercises for sciatica that offer gentle movement and do just that. These gentle stretches can help build strength and loosen tight muscles, while helping to reduce the symptoms of sciatica. Once you've mastered them, work them into your daily routine to help keep tight muscles looser. Feel free to do this stretches as many times as you feel your body needs, breathing into a deeper stretch each round. Let's explore the sciatica stretches:

Table Of Contents


1. Standing Hamstring Stretch

Standing-Hamstring-Stretch | Stretch for Sciatic Pain Relief

  1. Place your right foot on an elevated surface no higher than hip level. The easiest things to use are a chair or a step on a staircase. Flex your foot, so your toes and leg are straight. Keep a slight bend in your knee if necessary.
  2. Bend your body forward toward your foot. Stop bending when you start to feel pain.
  3. Release the hip of your raised leg downward instead of lifting it. You can loop a yoga strap or long exercise band over your right thigh and under your left foot if you need help.
  4. Hold for at least 30 seconds, return to the original position, and then repeat on the other side.

*Above image accredited image to this source.

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2. Reclining Pigeon Pose

Reclining Pigeon Pose | Stretch for Sciatic Pain Relief

  1. Lay on your back and bring your right leg up to a right angle. Lock your fingers behind your thigh.
  2. Lift your left leg and put your right ankle on top of your left knee.
  3. Hold the position for a moment. This helps stretch the tiny piriformis muscle, which can become inflamed and press against the sciatic nerve.
  4. Repeat with the other leg.

*Above image accredited image to source.

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3. Sitting Spinal Stretch

Sitting Spinal Stretch | Stretch for Sciatic Pain Relief

  1. While sitting on the ground, extend your legs and flex your feet upward. 
  2. Bend your right knee and place your foot flat on the floor on the outside of your left knee.
  3. Put your left elbow on the outside of your right knee and gently turn your body to the right.
  4. Hold for 30 seconds, repeat three times, then switch sides.

*Above image accredited image to source.

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4. Sitting Pigeon Pose

Sitting Pigeon Pose | Stretch for Sciatic Pain Relief

  1. While sitting on the floor, stretch your legs out in front of you.
  2. Bend your right leg and put your right ankle on top of your left knee.
  3. Lean forward allowing your upper body to reach toward your thigh.
  4. Hold for 15 to 30 seconds. This works your glutes and lower back.
  5. Return to the original position and repeat on the other side.

*Above image accredited image to source.

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5. Knee To Opposite Shoulder

Knee to Opposite Shoulder | Stretch for Sciatic Pain Relief

  1. Lie on your back with and extend your legs, flexing your feet upward.
  2. Bend your right leg clasping your hands around your right knee.
  3. Pull your right leg across your body toward your left shoulder. Hold it for 30 seconds and be sure to stay comfortable. You should feel relief, not pain.
  4. Push your knee so your leg returns to its starting position.
  5. Complete three reps, and switch legs.

*Above image accredited image to source.

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6. Forward Pigeon Pose

  1. Get on all fours.
  2. Pick up your right leg and slide it forward. Your lower leg should be on the ground, horizontal to the body. Keep your right foot in front of your right knee while keeping your
  3. right knee to the right.
  4. Stretch the left leg out all the way behind you, keeping the top of the foot on the ground and toes pointing back.Forward Pigeon Pose | Stretch for Sciatic Pain Relief
  5. Shift your body weight gradually from your arms to your legs. Sit up straight with your hands on either side of your legs.
  6. Take a deep breath. Exhale and lean your upper body forward over your front leg. Support your weight with your arms.
  7. Repeat on the other side.

*Above image accredited image to source.

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When Stretching, It's Important To Be Careful!

Remember to always use caution when starting a new exercise program. It's always a good idea to consult your doctor before you begin as well.

Don't be discouraged if you can't perform the exercises to their full extent on your first try. 

When you start out doing new stretches your body isn't used to, it will take a few times before your body is more used to getting into specific positions − be patient and give it time!

There's a good chance you won't be as flexible as the people demonstrating them, so just do them to the best of your ability.

Also, keep in mind that there's not a "One Size Fits All" solution to sciatic pain.

Bend your knees more or less when necessary. 

Skip exercises completely if you need to.

And keep in mind the most important thing: Don't force it − Uncomfortable poses that your body cannot comfortably position into can cause more harm to your body. 

If the stretch felt too much for you at first, pause, take some deep cleansing breaths and try again tomorrow. Some of these may feel like simple stretches, while some can feel more complicated and advanced.

Chiropractic care can also be extremely beneficial when it comes to sciatica treatment. Chiropractors help treat common chronic conditions and offer alternative treatments, alongside providing at-home treatment recommendations. Give Car Wreck Doctor a call today and start getting sciatica pain relief.


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