Car Accident Chiropractor6 Reasons You Need To See Your Chiropractor (Even If Your Back Doesn't Hurt)
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Chiropractic care is infamously known for back pain.

While chiropractic doctors are great at curing back pain, they can also do so much more to positively impact your everyday life.

Experienced chiropractors address physical symptoms as well as the underlying issues that contribute to physical pain, illness, or disease.

Your chiropractor will utilize many different techniques to prevent disease and treat you as an "entire person" instead of just addressing your most obvious symptoms.

Their integrative wellness approach to pain relief can include, but is not limited to:

  • Manual chiropractic adjustments
  • Hot and cold therapies
  • Stress relieving techniques
  • Electrical stimulation
  • Massage therapy
  • Stretches and exercises
  • Supplement recommendations
  • Nutritional counseling

Chiropractic care has become increasingly popular over recent years, but it's been around for over 100 years.

It's become one of the most commonly used complementary therapies in the United States. Many people even see their chiropractor as their primary care provider.

So while your chiropractor can do a great job of curing you of your back pain, there are many more reasons you should be visiting them.

In the article below, we will discuss six reasons you should see your chiropractor, even if your back doesn't hurt.

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1. Poor Sleep Quality

Nearly a third of the adult population either don't get enough sleep, or they get bad sleep.

This is mainly due to chronic pain issues within the body. It's hard to sleep and especially sleep well, if you're in pain.

A good night's rest is one of the best things we can do for our body, allowing it to recharge while we sleep.

If you're having trouble sleeping due to pain or soreness, schedule a chiropractic appointment before seeking the assistance of sleep aids.

Treating your symptoms with chiropractic care will help to improve your quality of sleep, and then lead to a reduction of other symptoms that are caused by a lack of sleep.

Chiropractic adjustments help relieve neck pain, joint pain, and is a holistic approach to sleep issues.

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Chiropractic care can help you avoid painkillers

2. An Alternative To Pain Pills

Many people choose to see their chiropractor as an alternative to taking pain pills so they can avoid all of the inevitable adverse effects that go along with them.

Instead of only treating symptoms like pain medication does, chiropractic care will get to the root of your problem to help you better manage your condition.

Once they figure out what's causing your symptoms, they will design a treatment plan tailored to your needs to help get your health back on track.

A recent study by the Annals of Internal Medicine found that people who used sought out chiropractic treatment were more than twice as likely to be pain-free compared to those who took pain relief medication.

Your chiropractor won't just mask your pain; they'll fix it.

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3. Stress Relief

It's been proven that your body functions better when it is properly aligned.

Your nervous system is responsible for pain signals sent to the brain from different parts of your body.

So, when your spine isn't properly aligned, your entire body will feel the effects.

This will cause physical as well as mental stress to spread over your entire body.

Seeking chiropractic care to get your spine in proper alignment will allow your nervous system to function properly, relaxing muscle tension, and reducing the stress your mind and body experiences.

A well-adjusted body also allows a person to manage stress better.

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4. Better Aging

As you get older, your joints will inevitably start to show signs of wear and tear. There's no way around it.

Sometimes that wear and tear causes inflammation and pain, which can cause even the simplest tasks to become difficult to complete.

Without warning, performing your workouts, hobbies, and simple tasks like taking out the trash could become increasingly difficult.

Your chiropractor will help you identify inflammation as well as recommend topicals and at-home exercises that will help you combat the pain.

And, that's in addition to the manual chiropractic techniques your chiropractor will perform to help you move better, longer.

Your chiropractor's goal is to keep you moving as long as possible with a full range of motion.

Even if you've begun to experience a limited range of motion and you've slowed down a little, your chiropractor will restore as much of it as they can, and teach you how to maintain it to help avoid future issues.

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Your chiropractor can help you get rid of your migraines

5. Relieve Tension Headaches And Migraines

Many people suffer from frequent headaches that can dramatically impact their health and daily activities.

Neck pressure, spinal issues and movement can exacerbate the severity of chronic headaches caused by abnormal head positioning, such as hunching over at a computer or smartphone during the majority of your day.

Hunching over looking at your smartphone for extended periods can be compared to sitting a 40lb bag of potatoes on your neck muscles.

Through manual adjustments, your chiropractor can remove the tightness in the back and strain on the spine, while improving nerve function and blood flow.

Visiting your chiropractor is an effective way to limit the occurrence of headaches and migraines, and it will also lessen the intensity when they do occur.

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6. Improved Digestion

One of the core objectives of chiropractic care is to restore the gut-brain connection, or the nervous system's communication with the organs, glands, and tissues of the digestive system.

The most common digestive problems include IBS, constipation, and food intolerances.

These are often tied to factors such as increased inflammation, high blood pressure levels, high stress levels, a poor diet, a sedentary lifestyle, and poor posture.

To counteract these conditions, studies have supported the use of chiropractic manipulations to help manage disorders of your gastrointestinal tract.

Effective treatment for chronic digestive issues can include spinal manipulation therapy, mobilizations, soft tissue therapy, relaxation exercises, and stretches.

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BONUS: Car Accident Injuries

Many peoples first visit to a chiropractor is due to a referral after a car accident.

Soft tissue injuries can be extremely difficult to treat.

With chiropractic treatments, the key is returning the body's muscles and bones to their natural positions.

This results in soft tissue injuries healing much faster due to being adequately supported by the skeletal system.

If you've recently suffered automobile accident injuries, you should schedule a chiropractic visit sooner rather than later.

Even if you don't feel any symptoms yet, that doesn't mean you weren't injured. Some symptoms can take weeks to show themselves.

Your chiropractor will be sure everything is still in its proper place and work on getting it back if it isn't.

If you don't have a chiropractor, contact the Car Wreck Doctor.

They work with a network of chiropractors, and they will match you with a chiropractor who will get you back on track.

Click the button below to get started.

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